20 Extremely Creative Web Layouts
The most crucial function for a website layout design is structuring the information, so defining the hierarchy of content, whilst ensuring it can be accessed intuitively, are essential objectives that a good layout should accomplish. Although a good layout design should make finding the paths of navigation between web pages
25 Excellent Creative Website Footers
From a Web Design Patterns perspective, the Footer is an essential and often undervalued element, which provides a quick entrance to the architecture of contents, whilst showing some of the most fundamental information on our site. In a standard user experience, it seems like people don’t pay much attention to
20 Best Google Web Fonts
Web typography is currently riding a wave of relentless creativity. Google Fonts is an invaluable resource for digital designers, the open source nature of its fonts makes it a viable option for both commercial and personal use. With it being a Google tool, Accessibility is of course key, with its high
30 Great Websites with Parallax Scrolling
The parallax effect has been around for years in classic video games, but it became a trend in the web design world. This cool effect is now commonly seen as part of the scrolling feature of a web page. It uses multiple backgrounds which seem to move at different
100 Best Free Fonts for Designers in 2021
Typography is currently playing a central role in web design, with progressive improvements like Variable Fonts, CSS Shapes, FlexBox, CSS Grids and Subgrid definitively changing the way we work with typography in web design. Current trends in web design see the use of editorial style typography, graphic design sources, and designs laid out in the style of
50 of the Fiercest Fashion Websites
The fashion industry is always looking for the latest trends to soak up, reinterpret, and then relaunch in its own way to the rest of the world. This behaviour is also common in web design. So, when the worlds of fashion and Internet collide, we can expect to
20 Unique and Creative Web Portfolios
A portfolio is much more than a simple showcase of work, its personality is just as important as the projects displayed on it, especially for young freelancers and agencies. In this selection we've uncovered distinctive portfolios with engaging layouts, navigation, interface, interaction and transitions. Not an easy task,
Trendy Web Color Palettes and Material Design Color Schemes & Tools
The latest web design trends have brought to light the fierce rivalry between Color and Typography to dominate the visual experience. Everybody is happy to admire shiny and vibrant color palettes ?, they stimulate the senses, and their qualities go beyond simply being visual. As we discussed in our
Color Exploration in Web Design Trends
From exploring the growing trends in visual design, one thing is clear: Color ? has taken centre stage. The visual strength and expressiveness of color ranges has seduced users and even designers themselves, who are using color as a focal design element, highlighting it above other content
Web Design Trends 2019: Voice Interfaces, Image Search, Alexa and other crazy things that are rocking our world.
Hello user ?, we are delighted to present this article rounding up 2019’s web design trends in a very special way. You can read more about all the following trends in our new book “NOW. A Contemporary Landscape for Digital Thinkers 2”. The book is like waking up after