Trendy Web Color Palettes and Material Design Color Schemes & Tools
The latest web design trends have brought to light the fierce rivalry between Color and Typography to dominate the visual experience. Everybody is happy to admire shiny and vibrant color palettes ?, they stimulate the senses, and their qualities go beyond simply being visual.
As we discussed in our article Color Exploration in Web Design, Design systems contributed to the trend of the importance of color, and took the palette even further than it was before, (palettes previously only consisting of the principal color of the brand with a highlight color and a few neutrals). Now color palettes contain more elements and are often not just a visual study but a semiotic one, being much more complex and leading us to explore concepts such as strong contrasts, chromatic sequences, colored backgrounds, colors modulated by neutrals, hyper saturated palettes, acid colors, etc
In this article we’ve picked the latest vibrant color schemes from Awwwards sites and a selection of elements from our collection Color Exploration. Enjoy!
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